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Taloudellinen vapaus Prosper mE Ryhmävalmennuksen avulla

Prosper mE on ryhmävalmennus, jonka avulla pääset matkalle taloudellisesta epävarmuudesta kohti yltäkylläisyyden ja täyttymyksen elämään, jossa henkiset oivallukset kohtaavat käytännölliset taloudelliset strategiat.


4.9/5 tähden arvostelut

Tässä on mitä saat:

  • Prosper mE -ryhmävalmennuksen transformatiivinen voima, joka on Victoria Raderin maailmanlaajuisesti myydyn kirjan ”Prosper mE” innoittama ohjelma.”

  • Ryhmän tuen ja mahdollisuuden kysyä omia kysymyksiä.

  • 18 viikon ajan live valmennukset ja tallenteet.

Tänään vain

$5300 $797


Viimeistele tilauksesi


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Taloudellinen vapaus Prosper mE Ryhmävalmennuksen avulla

Prosper mE on ryhmävalmennus, jonka avulla pääset matkalle taloudellisesta epävarmuudesta kohti yltäkylläisyyden ja täyttymyksen elämään, jossa henkiset oivallukset kohtaavat käytännölliset taloudelliset strategiat.

Here's what you get:

  • Prosper mE -ryhmävalmennuksen transformatiivinen voima, joka on Victoria Raderin maailmanlaajuisesti myydyn kirjan ”Prosper mE” innoittama ohjelma.

  • Ryhmän tuen ja mahdollisuuden kysyä omia kysymyksiä.

  • 18 viikon ajan live valmennukset ja tallenteet.

Today Just

$5300 $3500 one time

Your Satisfaction is Our Guarantee

"Victoria is a God sent angel in my life. My relationship with her as a spiritual guide began last year with Quantum Freedom Group and I didn’t leave any chance of hopping on any of her classes and teachings, to the extent I could. Her presence is one of the kindest I have ever come across.

- Divya Madhur ( Brand Strategist and Coach )

"I have benefited greatly working with Victoria Rader. I started these classes during a great change in my life. It's life-changing and provided a deep understanding and awareness of beliefs. It raised self-awareness as well as elevating my awareness on what impacts the behavior of others."

- Stacie Shifflett ( NLP Practitioner)

"My first interaction with YU2SHINE was an individual session where I experienced energy healing and that tingly feeling for the first time. It allows me to look to the future, reflect on what I previously manifested, and be surprised and inspired by how far I’ve come and still continue to grow."

– Laura Pluta ( I.T. Specialist )

"Vica has an amazing energy field and her heart is full of unconditional love and true compassion. I truly believe that she is a gifted healer and talented teacher. I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to discover more and more services that Vica offers, including her books and programs."

- Valeriia Nechyporenko ( Healing Coach )

Your Satisfaction is Our Guarantee

"My first interaction with YU2SHINE was an individual session where I experienced energy healing and that tingly feeling for the first time. Being curious, I signed up for Theta Healing Basic DNA several months later & immediately saw health benefits including the ability to eliminate use of mild antidepressants."

– Laura Pluta

"Vica has an amazing energy field and her heart is full of unconditional love and true compassion. Therefore, everything she creates brings significant impact in my life and life of others around me. I truly believe that she is a gifted healer and talented teacher."

- Valeriia Nechyporenko

"Victoria is a God sent angel in my life. My relationship with her as a spiritual guide began last year with Quantum Freedom Group and I didn’t leave any chance of hopping on any of her classes and teachings, to the extent I could. Her presence is one of the kindest I have ever come across."

– Divya Madhur

"I have benefited greatly working with Victoria Rader. Everything she delivers including private sessions, theta healing and other training offered and the Quantum Freedom group are all powerful and life-changing. The theta healing classes were most beneficial to me personally."

- Stacie Shifflett

Elevate Your Wisdom with the Prosper mE Program

Join us on a journey where spiritual growth meets practical financial skills. In the Prosper mE Program, you'll gain expert knowledge in budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management, all tailored to today’s evolving economic landscape. It transforms your financial behavior and well-being, setting you up for lasting success.

*please acquire Prosper mE book and Miracle mE and Manifest mE journals upon registration

Elevate Your Wisdom with the Prosper mE Program

Join us on a journey where spiritual growth meets practical financial skills. In the Prosper mE Program, you'll gain expert knowledge in budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management, all tailored to today’s evolving economic landscape.

*please acquire Prosper mE book and Miracle mE and Manifest mE journals upon registration

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