Align Your Frequency with Your Desires

Welcome to Master-mE

Elevate your daily experience with the Master-mE app, designed to shift your life's frequency through virtue mastery.

Every week, engage with new virtues through affirmations and energetically charged activations that refine your thoughts and emotions, drawing abundant opportunities your way.

The app integrates practical Law of Attraction applications and a year’s worth of affirmations to deepen both your conscious and subconscious awareness.

Master mE app


Welcome to Master-mE

Master mE App

Elevate your daily experience with the Master-mE app, designed to shift your life's frequency through virtue mastery.

Every week, engage with new virtues through affirmations and energetically charged activations that refine your thoughts and emotions, drawing abundant opportunities your way.

The app integrates practical Law of Attraction applications and a year’s worth of affirmations to deepen both your conscious and subconscious awareness.

Empower Your Potential with the

Transformation Techniques

You can have anything you want through changing the frequency of who you are. Because we attract, not what we want, not what we think we want, but who we are! With every week deepen a new virtue, attracting new abundant opportunities into your life.

Harnessing Universal Laws

Harnessing Universal Laws

Apply the Law of Attraction practically every day to manifest your desired outcomes effectively.

Daily Affirmations Journey

Daily Affirmations Journey

Engage with a full year of affirmations that enhance your conscious and subconscious minds.

Evolving Emotional Patterns

Evolving Emotional Patterns

Experience daily shifts in your emotional state with inspired, energy-charged thought patterns that also foster virtue development.

Advanced Mind Techniques

Advanced Mind Techniques

Utilize cutting-edge neurolinguistic programming and theta brain wave techniques to reshape your mental and emotional landscape.

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App Store

Tap Into Master mE's Exclusive Benefits

Inspired, uniquely energetically charged patterns of activations to shift your thoughts, emotions, and manifestations. Set up a daily reminder to get to master your day. Choose a theme search or simply start with today’s date. Read each activation/affirmation out loud or, for even deeper impact, listen to it as originally recorded. Start noticing daily positive changes in your life.

Master mE App


Read the affirmation out loud then close your eyes and truly feel a surge of energy.



Enhanced audio for a deeper, transformative and real experience.



Choose a theme or start with a date to begin your journey.

Pick favorites

Pick favorites

Enjoy access to all your favorite content, gathered conveniently in one location.

Empower Potential with Transformation Techniques

You can have anything you want through changing the frequency of who you are. Because we attract, not what we want, not what we think we want, but who we are!

Harnessing Universal Laws

Harnessing Universal Laws

Apply the Law of Attraction every day to manifest your desired outcomes effectively.

Daily Affirmations Journey

Daily Affirmations Journey

Engage with affirmations that enhance your conscious and subconscious minds.

Evolving Emotional Patterns

Evolving Emotional Patterns

Experience shifts in your emotional state with inspired, energy-charged thoughts that also foster virtue development..

Advanced Mind Techniques

Advanced Mind Techniques

Utilize the neurolinguistic programming and theta brain wave techniques to reshape your mental and emotional landscape.

Tap Into Master mE's

Exclusive Benefits

Inspired, uniquely energetically charged patterns of activations to shift thoughts, emotions, and manifestations. Set up a daily reminder to get to master your day.



Read the affirmation out loud then close your eyes and truly feel a surge of energy.



Enhanced audio for a deeper, transformative and real experience.

master mEApp


Choose a theme or start with a date to begin your journey.

Pick favorites

Pick favorites

Enjoy access to all your favorite content, gathered conveniently in one location.


You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers

How and Why Does It Work?

Every one of our thoughts creates a synapse, an electric current in our brain. Established pathways of those currents become our daily paradigms. They set the frequency of our thought vibrations, which in turn create magnetic fields of emotions. Our e-motion, energy in motion is what attracts our reality to us. We think – we feel – we create – we attract.

The more virtues we develop, the easier it is for us to manifest through the Law of Attraction and other Universal Laws. We master the laws through mastering the virtues. We first become. Then we receive.

Daily activations are a journey of mastery that leads to attracting a fulfilled life that you desire.

Why Master?

Only by mastering virtues we are becoming true masters and co-creators of our realities.

Why mE®?

In mE, the little ‘m’ represents matter and material things in life. The big ‘E’ stands for your eternal energy. That E, your eternal energy, is either brightly shining as the divine light it truly is, manifesting and attracting prosperity, joy, and fulfillment, or it’s buried beneath the matter of everyday problems and fears.

Master-mE 30 second commitment a day invites mastery transformation into your life.

▸ Master-mE: Master matter through Energy

▸ Master-mE: Master manifesting through Expansion

▸ Master-mE: Master mortal through Eternal

▸ Master-mE: Master material through Essential


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